Saturday, February 26, 2011

13 Weeks

I am now a little over 13 weeks along, and finally my morning sickness has gone away. I am still tired all the time, and dizzy some of the time. I still haven't seen a doctor yet, but I have an appointment to have a tour of a birthing center and talk to some midwives on Monday. I still need to find a sitter for the boys, but hopefully it won't be a problem. I also hope that Scott has the evening off work. I would really like him to come as well. After all, he really does need to be able to discuss this with me. I want, and need his opinion. I have been extremely emotional still, and don't know if the tears will ever stop. Today I cried when Nemo and his dad were reunited. I don't mean my eyes filled up and I blinked the tears away. They were actually running down my cheeks. This is crazy because I don't cry. (Except maybe once a year.) Here are some details, to keep you updated on everything. Hope you enjoy.

Due Date: August 31st, 2011

Symptoms: Dizzyness, Fatigue,

Cravings: I crave many things, nothing specific. What happens though is when I get what I crave I am completely disgusted by it and want something else.

Sleep: Going okay for now. I am only waking up once to pee. ;) I know you wanted to know.

Milestones: First Trimester done. No bump yet, I don't think. I can't tell if it's fat or baby. Anyway, it's not noticeable.

Movement: I think I've felt a little movement. I don't think it's too soon for this. Is it?

It's A...: Don't know yet, but don't worry, I am gonna find out. Give it another 6 weeks maybe.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Days

I forgot to post my day. I commented on a friends blog that I would keep track of my day and post about it. Mostly for time management. I found out in this process that I waste a lot of time. I was actually trying to keep busy the whole day, and found myself bored. I decided to do only one day instead of three. I am glad though that I did this. It shows me that I am able to get everything done in one day and I still have time to do my own fun stuff. I also don't have a job outside the home, and only three kids. Even though my fourth child is on the way, there is still way to much free time for me. I think I may need some ideas on how to fill it.

The day I kept track of was Wednesday. That says a lot, because on Tuesdays, we have either Scott's Mens Bible Study, or the Family Bible Study, and on Thursdays is the Women's Bible Study. I also chose Wednesday because I totally forgot to keep track of anything on Monday and Tuesday. So, this is how my day went...

7am - Wake up, pour cereal into bowls for Jameson and Teagen, put clean dishes from dishwasher away, feed Gavin bananas and cereal and bottle, make and eat my toast and yogurt. This all takes about 1 hour amazingly.

8am - Jameson and Teagen ask for a snack. This is normal. I tell them no and they go into the playroom to play. They usually stay in here playing for a few hours. This allows me to do laundry and random pickup stuff in the living room.

10am - Gavin takes his first nap. Jameson starts school, Teagen colors. Because I don't really have to report anything for another year, school is very relaxed here. Jameson still isn't reading, so we work on letters and their sounds, and try to put some together, but he gets really confused and frustrated. Any hints?

1130am - School is done, and lunch is started. They boys are required to pick up the toys before they can eat lunch, so they spend this time in the playroom. I made mac & cheese & hotdogs for this lunch. Gavin wakes up around this time as well. I get his lunch and bottle ready.

12noon - We all eat. Then I send the boys to read books while I clean up and start loading the dishwasher again. Teagen goes down for a nap when I'm done cleaning.

1pm - Gavin is ready for another nap around 1 or 2. Once Teagen and Gavin are asleep, Jameson has a little time to watch a movie or read books by himself. I get some me time here as well. I use this time to go on the computer/internet. I also use this time to shower.

3pm - Teagen is up again now, and starts watching a movie with Jameson. Gavin will wake up soon. The boys usually don't make it through a whole movie. They end up going into the playroom in the middle. When Gavin wakes up, we will sometimes go outside to play.

530pm - I start getting dinner ready. This is when the boys are allowed to help me in the kitchen.

6pm - We eat dinner. Sometimes Scott is home from work to join us, sometimes he is working really late, and won't get home until 2am or 3am.

7pm - After dinner we all clean up, finish the dishes and start the dishwasher. Then we do some random pickup, and make sure the toys are picked up before bedtime. Every other day, we have bathtime, not today.

8pm - We get pj's on and get into bed. We always read from our Bible Story Book, and say prayer. Then we make up our own stories and share them.

10 or 11pm - I end up going to bed. Until that time, I am on the computer/internet again.

During this whole time, I realized that there are many times throughout my day that I have a lot of extra time. I was always thinking that I was so busy, and that I never had enough time to add anything else to my day. I actually have too much time. There is so much more I could do. Now, this day was really laid back. We didn't leave the house at all for appointments or anything. I am however, trying to potty train Teagen, which requires many trips to the bathroom and sitting there with him for several minutes at a time. I do waste a lot of time on the computer doing stuff that is not required, like games. I have decided that I am going to fast from my computer. I don't know for how long, but instead of getting on the computer, I am going to spend more time reading my Bible, and praying. Maybe in a few weeks I will try this again and see what, if anything, has changed.

Lesson learned!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Scott is going on a short missions trip to Haiti with a few other men from our church. They will be staying at a place called Canaan. It is an orphanage there. There is a ministry called "Never Thirst Again" that was founded by another member of our church. They have been working with Canaan for some time now.

He is extremely excited to go. He is getting everything together already. Scott is the type of guy that will pack for a trip the day before, or the morning of leaving. Seeing that Scott already has some things set aside that he is planning on bringing, and to see how excited he is, makes me so happy.

I am not exactly sure of everything they plan on doing there, but I do know that Scott is planning on sharing his testimony. He has been really excited about this as well. He wanted me to type it up for him, because I type a little faster than he does. We sat down last night, while he talked and I typed. There is still more that he wants to add, so it's not finished yet.

Scott purchased a few things for this trip already. Since there won't really be any electricity there, he bought a battery operated fan. He has a hard time sleeping in the heat, so a fan seemed necessary. He also bought a few snacks for himself.

There are so many opportunities opening up for us down here. We are so excited to see what else God has in store for our lives. Please pray for Scott while he is in Haiti, and for me and the kids as well while he is away. We will miss him, but also look forward to seeing and hearing about the work he is able to do for God. Thank you all for your support, and I will post some pics when he gets back.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I realized that living here in Florida was going to be different than Minnesota. I was thinking mostly of the weather, and the insects. I didn't realize that instead of the tiny little mice that I randomly saw in MN, I would see huge rats here. I couldn't believe it. I was completely grossed out. I will have to tell you the whole story.

Scott and I decided to rearrange the living room. We cleared all the furniture away from the second patio door. We still don't use this door, because it just doesn't slide right, but it was great to finally have some more light in the livingroom. We absolutely love the new set up. I may just take some pictures to share with you later.

Now that the shades were able to be opened to let the light in, they are. We love being able to sit on the couch and actually see outside. It's great. We were sitting watching a movie one afternoon, and I suddenly screamed. Yes, I screamed. I glanced outside, into our patio and saw something moving. We have our washing machine and dryer in the patio, which is where I saw this huge rat crawling. By the time Scott looked out there, the rat was gone. We sat there staring in disbelief for a couple minutes, and saw two more. I couldn't believe it. Where did they come from? Why were they there? Is this normal here? I hope not!

We called the apartment office, and they said it wasn't an emergency because they were outside. They would have an exterminator come by on Monday. It was Friday, so I was kinda happy that I didn't have to do any laundry for a few days.

On Monday the exterminator stopped by and set some traps. He used the wooden ones that snap. Now, I have used these before, but I used the ones that are like three inches long. The ones that he was setting were about a foot long. I was not going to be the one to check them later, and made sure this guy knew that. He said he would be back on Wednesday to check the traps and take care of anything that was caught in them. He told me how the rats got there in the first place.

We went out of town over Christmas. We didn't use our washer for a couple weeks. Because there was no water running through the pipes, the rats were able to climb up from the sewer, and chew through the rubber hose attached to the drain on the washer. We were wondering where all that water was coming from. ;) We bought a new piece for the hose, this time a metal one.

Monday night, Scott and I were sitting in bed and heard some loud snaps. Guess what? Neither one of us wanted to go out there and check the traps and see if they caught something. Especially not at night. We waited until morning. Scott checked, not me, sure enough there were two dead rats. Yay!! Not that I celebrate when I see dead animals. Please don't report me. I was just happy to see that it was working and soon I would be able to do laundry again. My clothes were starting to pile up.

Wednesday, the exterminator came out again, and checked and disposed of all dead animals. He set the traps again, just to make sure they were all gone. He left, and that night we heard the loud snap again. We still weren't brave enough to venture outside to look. I was actually a little disappointed when Scott told me the next day that one of the traps had a frog. Poor thing! I love frogs.

No more rats as of now. We have the washer hose fixed, and the laundry pile is dwindling. All holes are patched, so we hopefully won't even see frogs or lizards in our patio. I will never forget our experience with rats, and I will never again take a vacation without capping off that pipe.

I regretfully admit that little critters were harmed in this story. Nope, sorry! I have no regrets. I'm glad their gone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

11 Weeks

I am 11 weeks pregnant today. There is still nothing showing, but I haven't exactly lost all the baby weight from the last pregnancy. When there is something to show, I might post some belly pics. It may not be for at least another 10 weeks though.

I have had some extreme nausia. The huge difference between this pregnancy and the other ones I have experienced, is the nausia. Every one has been different, but the nausia seems to be getting worse. I have also been dizzy.

I may just need to start a vote on the sex of this baby. Some people think it will be a girl this time, considering that I already have three boys. I am not sure what to think, but I am leaning towards thinking it is another boy, just because I already have three boys. What do you think?

I have invested in kleenex. My hormones are going completely bonkers. I have cried almost every day, but for reasons I don't think anyone has ever cried over before. I have literally cried over spilled milk. I have also cried because I was vacuuming, or while I was vacuuming. I don't really know why I start crying half the time. My boys are always offering me hugs to make it all better though. They are so sweet.

We have some names picked out, but Jameson doesn't like them. He thinks that we should name the baby Judah Ben Hur, whether it's a boy or a girl. Probably not gonna happen, sorry buddy.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Potty Training

This is one of the things that I just don't enjoy. I also don't enjoy changing diapers, so going through this process is a must.

Jameson was basically potty trained over night. He got it. He understood, and wanted to learn and grow up. He had accidents, but they were few. He was about two and a half years old.

Teagen is now alsmost three years old, and I was thinking it would take forever. He wasn't showing any signs of interest in the potty. He didn't care. I kept telling him at every diaper change that he needs to learn to use the potty so he doesn't have to wear diapers anymore. He doesn't care. He likes his diapers.

There are so many different methods in potty training that other people have told me about. Some people let their kids just learn when they learn. They don't try to teach their kids. This method is not for me, cuz I wasn't waiting any longer. Diapers are expensive. I was going to make Teagen ready.

Some people bring their kids to the potty every fifteen minutes, and sit there with them until they go. I don't have the time for this. I have a five year old, and an infant. I tried this, and ended up leaving the bathroom to deal with other things way too often.

Some people think that just letting their kids run around the house naked works. I liked this idea, except for the fact that I would be cleaning up a lot of messes. I tried it, and yes, he had some accidents. He would come up to me crying saying that he peed. I would bring him into the bathroom and he would use the potty. After only a couple times, he learned. He is now going in the potty every time he pees.

We started working on poop. He kept asking for a diaper when he had to go, or just holding it until we put a diaper on at naptime, or bedtime. I kept telling him that he needs to learn to use the potty.

This morning, he did it. He went in and sat on the potty and pooped. Then he stood up and came out and told me what he did. I had to go clean him up, but he got a big treat. M&M's!!! He received lots of positive encouragement. I hope this continues, because I would really like to be done buying diapers for him.

Yay!!! My three year old is a big boy!!!