Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lord Change My Attitude

The women at church are doing a Bible Study called "Lord Change My Attitude". It is a great study. I am learning a lot, and applying it to my life. There have been many changes in my view of my life. Check this out.

The first part of the study = Complaining!

I never realized how much I complain. I am now aware of it though. I am working on not only noticing when I am complaining, but what I am complaining about. Is it something that really matters? Is there anything I can do to change the circumstances? If the answer to both of these is NO, then I need to drop the matter. It has been working.

I have also been working on staying positive. I would always have considered myself to be a glass is half full type of person, but recently realized that I am not. I have a hard time dealing with the little things that don't follow "MY" plans. The thing is, it is not "MY" plans that matter at all, it's "GOD'S" plans. I am always trying to take control and run my life the way God wants me to. What I need to do, is let God run my life. I need to follow where God leads. This is not easy, but nobody is perfect, right? I am trying to use the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) way of looking at things. I know it has become a cliche, but it works. We are, after all, supposed to strive to be more "Christ Like".

Here is an example.

I was at a weekly Bible study, and having a great time. I had the boys with me, and Scott was out of town working. I returned to my car after the study and proceeded to buckle the boys into their seats. While doing this, I was talking to a couple other women from church. We were all standing on the passenger side of the van talking. One of the women, started pointing at my van. I thought she was pointing at a bug or something, and was preparing to run. (I don't like bugs.) Then I realized it wasn't a bug, but my front driver's side window. The window was not where it was supposed to be. It was shattered all over the front of the van. There wasn't any glass in the back, so I didn't even realize it when buckling the boys in. I climbed back into the car to unbuckle the boys and get them out of the car. I knew it would probably take a while to deal with this problem. The boys went inside with some amazing young ladies who kept them occupied while I talked to police.

I think I may have been in a state of shock, because I didn't really even think about calling the police. I didn't really know what to do. Thankfully I had some people there that were thinking straight. It took a while for the reality of what had happened to sink in. I realized my purse was gone. (I know, I was crazy and not thinking when I decided to leave my purse in the car. But, I left it there anyway.)

When the officer arrived, I was able to talk to him without any panic or anything. I told him everything I could think of that was in my purse and wallet. There will be a report filed, and I received a case number. After talking to the officer, I was able to request fingerprinting. He seemed to think it was a waste of time, but I insisted. I just had this feeling that there would have to be fingerprints. After waiting a while, the crime scene unit arrived. The guy that dusted my van, was very helpful and informative. He was able to answer many of my questions. After he left, I had help cleaning most of the glass out of the front seat, so I could drive home.

I am very grateful for the help I received, and the prayers.

When I arrived home, I unloaded the boys and put them to bed. It was really easy to get them to fall asleep, because it was so late. I had a plastic bag taped over the window, to prevent rain getting inside. I was a little worried about my oldest, Jameson. He was asking questions about what had happened. I tried to answer them the best I could, but he has a one track mind. "Why did someone break the window? Why did they take your purse? Will they bring the purse back? Will they break the window at home?" This little boys questions are my biggest concern. He doesn't understand what happened, or why. He also has bad dreams regularly. He is the one that crawls into our bed in the middle of the night. The only solution was to explain to him that Jesus is always with him. We prayed together, and I really think he understands.

That night I checked my bank account, and found that my debit card had already been used. I talked to the bank and was able to cancel my card and order a new one. I was later able to talk to the fraud department and get my money back. I have replaced almost everything that I lost. There are a few phone numbers from business cards that I will need to collect again, but other than that, everything is replaceable. The next day, my window was replaced, and my car vacuumed. I have already purchased a new wallet, that I like even better than the old one. Everything is working out, and I have no complaints.

I was surprised at how calm I have been through this whole ordeal. I couldn't have done it without the comfort of my savior Christ Jesus. He has been my calm. Everything that happened could have been worse. The first thing that popped into my head when this happened, what that I had quite a few tracks in my purse. I was hoping and praying that whoever took it, would take the time to read them. I know it's a long shot, but God does work in mysterious ways. It is by His grace that we are saved. I pray still, that he will work on that person and speak to them and change their heart.

This is one lesson I will not soon forget. I have prayed for my enemy, willingly. I actually wanted to. There were no hidden motives. I did want my purse back, and my window fixed, but that's not why I was praying. I was praying because I knew this person didn't know Jesus like I do.

Do you know Jesus?

I can't wait to continue in the Bible study of "Lord Change My Attitude". There are more areas of my life that could use changing, and I am excited to learn more.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

This is not the first Mother's Day that I have been able to celebrate as a mother, but it is the first that I am celebrating with my mother 2000 miles away. This Mother's Day is different.

Today at church, there were a few people that shared why their mom's were special. All I could do was think about my mom. This is the first Mother's Day that I am not going to see my mom. I had always taken for granted the fact that I only lived a few miles from my mom. We talked on the phone every once in a while, and didn't really hang out, or see each other very often. Moving across the country has, in a weird way, brought me closer to my mom. I have talked to her on the phone more often, and gotten to know her more. I love my mom so much. I miss my mom.

When I was growing up, there were many times that I was angry with my mom. She would punish me when I needed it, and sometimes I really needed it. I always thought she was being so unfair, and I would let her know that. I remember her saying something like "just wait until you have kids." That never made any sense, until now. I now have three boys, and another boy on the way. When I have a question about any of them, whether it be behavior, health, or anything, I call my mom. Just the other night, my youngest had hives. He is allergic to something. All I could think was I need my mom. I love technology. Even though I wasn't able to run to my mom, I was able to call her and get some great advice. Thank you so much mom. I love you.

I am sorry mom, for all the times I disobeyed, and all the times I was a lot of trouble. I know there were quite a few. I came to a realization when I became a mother, that you were never trying to hinder, or hurt me, but you were loving me. You were protecting me.

You see, mothers have a very special bond with their children. They are connected. A child is completely dependent on it's mother to survive from conception to birth. After birth, a child is still dependent on it's mother, but others (like dad, we can't forget him) are there to help out. That bond that is formed between mother and child is never broken. There is an everlasting connection. This bond grows stronger throughout life. When the child is an adult, the bond is still there. I have learned this recently. The advice and just everyday conversations I have with my mother are extremely valuable to me.

God knew what he was doing when he made women. He gave women a strength endure all the joys and fears that go along with being a mom. He gave women that everlasting bond to their children. God has blessed me with my mom.

Thank you mom...
-for yelling at me when I needed it.
-for punishing me when I needed it.
-for hugging me when I needed it.
-for teaching me to sew.
-for making me clean my room.
-for loving me.
-for life.

I love you mom. You mean so much to me. I wish I could give you a hug right now.

Lord, thank you for my mom.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

On My Mind

Things that are on my mind today.

-"Lord Change My Attitude" I need to do the lesson for my Bible study.

-I need to stop complaining and instead be thankful.

-Grateful my boys are singing "Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord".

-Gavin's trip to the ER last night, and what could he be allergic to? All eyes on Gavin.

-Have to make snacks for church tomorrow. What to make, what to make?

-Want to sit down, sciatic nerve is bothering me.


-Get newspaper today to get early edition with coupons for cheaper. YAY!

-Sweep and mop tile floor. Crumbs from breakfast cereal sticking to bottom of feet. Gross!

-Why are boys so loud?


-Train children! They are doing great with this, and I find it fun.

-What should I make for lunch?

-What should I make for dinner?

-I should really do meal planning to eliminate the last minute thinking.

These are the things running through my head right now. There are more, but I am sure you don't want to know about all of them. I was talking to Scott recently about how not fair it is that men can completely empty their minds and think about nothing. Not Fair. I will lay in bed at night, listening to Scott snoring. It's really not that bad, I just needed to show that he was sleeping. He will be sound asleep, while things race through my mind, and I end up getting up about three or four times to make sure the door is locked for the 12th time, to check on the boys and make sure they are still asleep, to write a note to myself about something that needs to be done tomorrow, and more. Does anyone else have this problem, or am I alone? I guess I shouldn't wonder why I'm so tired in the morning.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Kids Are Sponges

My kids are no different from your kids, they seem to hear everything that is said. They absorb knowledge at an amazing rate. I have started to take advantage of this amazing phenomenon by teaching them some Bible verses to memorize. What I have realized, is that they don't really need to memorize Bible verses. They are able to memorize entire chapters of the Bible. Jameson knows some of the stories with such accuracy, that he even uses some rather large words when he recites it. I love this.

Both Jameson and Teagen are able to repeat songs that we sing at church on Sundays, word for word. They will be sitting in their play room singing. They will start fighting, but it's usually over which song to sing next. Some of their favorites are "Blessed Be Your Name" and "Let It Rise".

Jameson, who is 5, is at the point where he is starting to apply the lessons from the Bible stories we read to his life. He will point things out as we go through our days that remind him a certain story. Recently, we were looking for a playground. We were driving around and found quite a few sports complexes, but we were looking for a playground. When we finally did find one, Jameson said, "God made that playground. Then He looked at it and said it was good." We had been talking about how God made everything. In a matter of hours he went from asking me if God made cars, and if God made trees, to telling me that "God made that playground."

Jameson also has some interesting questions about God. Just out of curiosity, if anyone knows how to answer a five year olds questions about God, let me know. Here are a few that we have heard recently.

How old is God?
When is God's birthday?
Does God eat?

I am so glad that almost everything that they do in work and in play brings up more questions about God. I just wish I knew the answers.

Jameson also asked God in his prayers tonight for a different Bible so he could understand the words. I told him after his prayer that to understand the words he has to learn how to read.